Equipping Hub-APEST Gifts for Disciple-making Movements(DMM), 23-25 March 2023
DATE: 23 - 25 MArch 2023 (ThuR - Sat)
TIME: 9am - 530pm daily
Registration Fee: 70AUD - Lunch included, with coffee and tea breaks (if you have dietary requirements, please bring your own lunch).
note: if you have financial difficulties and would like to be there, please contact us at mccnresources@gmail.com
Do you desire to see God’s people empowered to do the work of the ministry and the Body of Christ come to maturity of stature and unity of the faith?
This can only happen when the gifts of Christ - the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, and Teacher (APEST) - according to scripture in Eph 4:11, are released to train and equip the saints to do the work of the ministry.
What we typically see in the Body of Christ today are individual parts functioning in isolation but not joined together. Is it possible to see the APEST gifts function together with unity and purpose?
How do the APEST gifts function in tandem to empower God’s people and to catalyse Disciple-making Movements so we can fulfil the mission Jesus gave us?
Never before have we had 5 Gifts coming together to equip the saints, bringing with them decades of experience after almost 30 years of walking together.
These sessions will help church planters, missionaries, kingdom-minded pastors, leaders and any disciple of Christ who are practicing DMM or desiring to see DMM in your sphere of influence :
> Understand the APEST gifts – the functions, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of each gift.
> Identify these gifts in the Body of Christ and discern counterfeit expressions to avoid.
> Identify and appreciate one another’s gifts and how the 5 gifts working together through organic kingdom relationships in the context of everyday life.
> Growing in the Apostolic and Prophetic functions
> Laying an Apostolic-Prophetic foundation for Disciple multiplication and DMM.
> Have conversations with the panel and with your team to discuss and understand the workings of God’s kingdom in your sphere of influence.
- Rediscovering Ekklesia & the Kingdom of God - Karen & Jason Tay
- Paradigm Shifts needed for CPM (Church Planting Movement) and DMM - Karen & Jason Tay, Neil Cole
- Organic Discipleship / Leadership - Neil Cole
- Organic Communities / Basecamps / Outposts - Dezi Baker
- Simple Church - Neil Cole
- The Role of the Apostle in the New Testament Church - Neil Cole
- The Role of the Prophet in the Body of Christ and his work for the kingdom - Dezi Baker
- The Role of the Evangelist in the Church - Ed Waken
- The Role of the Shepherd / Pastor in the Church - Phil Helfer
- The Role of the Teacher in the Church - Chris Suitt
- What does the Apostle-Prophet Foundation look like in the church - Neil, Dezi, Karen
- The 5 gifts working together in the context of the Kingdom and Ekklesia- Neil, Dezi, Ed, Phil, Chris, Karen, Jason
- Kingdom Conversations / Discussions - All participants together with panel including movement leaders in different parts of Asia, E. Europe
Jason and Karen Tay were serving as leaders in a church for almost 20 years that grew from a small handful to thousands. For over 10 years, Karen was also Regional Director for Christ for All Nations (CfaN, the ministry founded by the late evangelist Reinhard Bonnke) in Asia/Pacific, and one of the facilitators for the 4-14 window global missions’ movement, with much experience preaching and teaching in many countries, working with various denominations and churches in different cultures.
Since 2012, their deep conviction of what biblical Ekklesia looks like, led them to step out to pioneer, release, activate and empower many others to start missional communities committed to walking in obedience to God’s Word, building authentic relationships in community, and an apostolic heart of going and being the church where the lost are. They also founded Missional Church Communities Network (www.MCCNresources.org), a relational network of kingdom communities across various countries, focused on “multiplying disciples who make disciples”.
Desiring to see the Body of Christ come to maturity and fullness, they currently conduct Equipping/ Training Intensives on the 5 Gifts of Christ in the context of God’s kingdom, to activate God’s people for ministry through the discovery and development of the gifts of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd, and teacher. They have been married for 23 years and have a grown daughter. They moved from Singapore in 2019 to Australia where they are now based.
Neil Cole is an experienced church planter, author and pastor. He is credited as a key catalyst in the global organic church movement and founded Church Multiplication Associates (CMA), which has helped to start tens of thousands of churches in 50 states and 50+ nations in only 20 years. He has recently founded Starling Initiatives, a global connection of like-minded people who listen to Jesus and do what He says. You can find out more at www.StarlingIntitiatives.com.
Neil is also an international speaker and has authored seventeen books including Organic Church, Cultivating a Life For God, Organic Leadership, Church 3.0, Primal Fire, Rising Tides, PRAY and VIRAL.
Neil and Dana have been married 39 years. They live in Long Beach, California and have three grown children Heather, Erin and Zach, and five Grandkids.
Dezi Baker is a hidden prophet with many supernatural experiences. Dezi is a long-standing voice in prophetic/apostolic movements, as a visionary and catalyst behind church expressions such as the organic church, Big-Fish and the Endless Knot Community. His rich stories, sense of humor and holistic approach to the Christian experience have changed the way many view life, church, and being. Yet, more than likely, you've never heard of this silent prophet from the Arizona desert.
Dezi and his family currently reside in the historic mining town of Globe, Arizona, where he runs a cafe, and together with a strong spiritual family, continually apply God’s organic principles to transform the larger community around them, including the indigenous Native American Apache nation.
Ed Waken loves to be around people and is passionate about helping them know Jesus. Ed teaches, trains, writes, mentors, and consults in evangelism, leadership, and organic church thought in many countries. He brings experience, provenness, and insights that benefit many.
Ed has authored Wildfire – The Fearless Spread of the Gospel, which explores the freedom and success for all believers anytime they share any portion of the gospel of Jesus. Ed contributed to Primal Fire, exploring the APEST approach to equipping churches. He is currently working on Igniting Wildfires, which will explore the biblical role of the evangelist.
Ed is an adjunct professor at Grace School of Theology and Arizona Christian University. He began and helps lead ValleyLife Church, a church of churches in Phoenix, Arizona. Ed and Debbie married in 1978, live in Phoenix, Arizona, and have three adult children and five grandchildren.
Phil Helfer is the longtime shepherd of Los Altos Grace Church in Longbeach, California. The church is a spiritual family of brothers and sisters in Christ who seek to understand the Scriptures and live them out together. They believe that as a church they are a sent people who also send others and in so keeping, they support various ministries locally and also missionaries around the world. Phil has spent much of his life and ministry discovering, developing, and implementing principles for organic church life and movement. For more than 25 years, he has partnered with a group of leaders who each fulfill a role from Ephesians 4:11 – Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, and Teacher. Together, they addressed the power of APEST in their book, Primal Fire. Phil has been married to his wife, Lori, for 39 years. They enjoy camping, boating, and spending time with their family.
Chris Suitt currently serves with the Organic Church Movement APEST team as the teacher who trains others to train others to hear and follow Jesus using the Scriptures. He is the author of two books, including 'More Than a Sunday Faith, It’s Not Complicated', and the 'Discipleship Training Center Facilitator Guide'. He plants organic churches and disciples others who start organic churches without walls wherever Jesus has them.