Weird, Wild & Wonderful- Our World of Books Dromkeen LitFest (CANCELLED)
Join us on Sunday, March 19th at Dromkeen for our 'Weird, Wild & Wonderful- Our World of Books' Dromkeen LitFest. In the morning we will be opening a fabulous new exhibition of book illustrations by Ann james, Leigh Hobbs & Mark Wilson. Mark Wilson will also launch his lovely picture-story book 'Little Dolphin'. In the garden there will be an animal farm & craft activities, as well as music. After lunch you will be able to select a workshop/session with one of our fabulous author/illustrators (Mark Wilson, Ann James & Leigh Hobbs), watch a puppet show & finally do a drawing workshop all about animals, with award winning illustrator Mark Wilson. During the day there will also be book sales & author/illustrator signings. If you attend the launch in the morning only there is no charge, but you will need to send an RSVP to . To participate in the afternoon's activities you will need to purchase a ticket & select the workshops you wish to attend.Location
Dromkeen Gallery, Tea Room and Bookshop
1012 Kilmore Road, Riddells Creek Victoria 3431