January to December
Dear Members, Current and New,
We the LSTAQ Committee have to advise you that it is highly likely that the Association will be wound up formally by the end of June.
The current committee have served the Association as Office Bearers over the last ten years.
Each of us is now at or close to retiring, so the Committee has become unsustainable.
The AGM will be held on 19 th April, 7 pm by Zoom.
LSTAQ can only continue if the Executive positions are filled by others from our
Should other people step forward to take on the President, Secretary and Treasurer
positions, some of the current Committee members would undertake to continue as
Committee members for an agreed length of time to assist with Transition.
Each of us has enjoyed our active involvement in this Association as it has evolved from its
origins as The Remedial Teachers’ Association (Primary) and The Secondary Resource
Teachers’ Association.
We truly wish to see LSTAQ continue and to further evolve to support the education
community in accordance with the Constitution. To do so though, now is the time for others
to be actively involved.
We would welcome people reaching out and stepping into vital Office Bearer roles to steer
LSTAQ into its future.
New members are welcome. Joining the Learning Support Teachers' Association of Queensland will entitle you to vote at the AGM and the special meeting proposed in May/June 2023.
This association is for teachers who work inclusively with students who have learning difficulties or disabilities. Access to many PD opportunities and resources via the website.Membership Fees
New members to LSTAQ: $62.00
Renewing members: $50.00
NON Member of LSTAQ- Joining after booking PD on 18th March 2023 at BCEC or online: $22.00
Account: 1332640
BSB: 514179
LSTAQ Membership Secretary
Contact Details