AARE WA Annual General Meeting

The Australian Association for Religious Education is holding its AGM
Cost: Free to current and prospective members
Time: 4pm for a 4:35pm start. Finish: 6:15pm
Venue: Servite College, 134 Cape St, Tuart Hill WA
(and on Zoom for rural regions.)
(Booking is for catering purposes)
Guest Speakers: Youth Mission Team
Your email address will be utilised to provide you more details and of how to Logon.
Cost: Free to current and prospective members
Time: 4pm for a 4:35pm start. Finish: 6:15pm
Venue: Servite College, 134 Cape St, Tuart Hill WA
(and on Zoom for rural regions.)
(Booking is for catering purposes)
Guest Speakers: Youth Mission Team
Your email address will be utilised to provide you more details and of how to Logon.
Servite College
134 Cape St, Tuart Hill Western Australia 6060
Contact Details