‘Die Stimmen erheben, um Hülfe zu bitten!’

Canberra Bach Ensemble presents ‘Die Stimmen erheben, um Hülfe zu bitten!’ (We raise our voices, to ask for help!), a special post-COVID relaunch and fundraising concert.Programme includes:
Movements from Bach’s ‘Magnificat’, ‘Mass in F’, and various Cantatas (BWV 36, BWV 38, BWV 78, BWV 119).
Soloists: Greta Claringbould, Maartje Sevenster, Andrew Fysh.
Directed by Andrew Koll.
Please register your attendance here, although admission to this event is 'free', this is a fundraising event and donations will be collected at the event on the day (minimum $20).
A Reception in the Haydon Hall follows the concert.
St Christopher's Cathedral
Cnr Franklin and Furneaux Sts, Manuka Australian Capital Territory 2603