Janefield Community centre paranormal investigation
We will be holding a paranormal investigation and history tour at Janefield Community Centre, Bundoora on Saturday the 1st of April from 6pm until 9pm. In the 1920's the site was home to the Red Cross Tuberculosis Hospital for returning world war 1 soldiers. The Community centre is one of the 5 original buildings still standing.The Red Cross farm, known as the Janefield Sanitorium, operated from 1920 to 1933. It reopened in 1937 as the Janefield Colony for Mental Defectives (children). The children lived segregated, dull lives without any treatment, training or recreation. In 1962 it was renamed the Janefield Training Centre. By world war 2 the special school was opened.Janefield had close ties to Mont Park, Kew children's cottages and Larundel Asylum.
Join us as for our investigation as we offer anyone still residing at the site the opportunity to communicate and tell their story.
Janefield community centre
2 Manchester Crescent , Bundoora Victoria 3083