Arj Barker- Power Hour

What do you get when you take your very best jokes from over the last 30 years, lovingly restore, refine and remaster each one, jam them all into a single hour, and finally, sprinkle in some brand new material and hint of improv? You get the best of Arj Barker. Also known as... Power Hour.
Arj Barker is arguably Australia's favourite American comedian. In recent years, he has spent more time in our country than his own and has come to understand our culture perhaps better than we understand it ourselves. His stand-up is both insightful and pointed, like a mind-reading thumb tack, if there were one of those.
Arj has gained major International exposure from his role as 'Dave' on HBO's 'Flight of the Concords'. This, as well as dozens of appearances on popular Aussie TV shows like the original Hey Hey It's Saturday (yep, he's been coming here for a while) Thank God You're Here, The Glasshouse, Good News Week, Rove Live, The Project, Talkin' Bout My Generation, Spicks and Specks, the Great Debate and of course the MICF Gala, he has become a household name in Australia. He was also the very first guest ever to appear on Gordon St. Tonight with Adam Hills, and nobody can ever take that away from him, no matter what happens.
In his home country (well, country of birth at least), he has appeared regularly as a guest on many popular shows includ- ing those hosted by David Letterman, Jay Leno, Conan O'Brian, Jimmy Kimmel and Bill Maher. He has also had three of his very own comedy specials on Comedy Central.
Arj has been a popular act at the most celebrated comedy festivals world-wide, including the Edinburgh Fringe, Just For Laughs in Montreal, and the Melbourne International Comedy Festival now for almost two decades. A prolific and hard- working comic, who tours constantly, Arj has released five DVD'S, two of which have been nominated for ARIA's in Austra- lia although he ain't won yet. But winning ain't everything. There can be only one winner, but there are many losers. So all we're saying is, maybe there's something to be said for strength in numbers??
Some of Arj Barker's other projects include The Marijuana-Logues (co-creator), stony parody of the Vagina Monologues which ran off-broadway in NYC for an entire year, and the whimsical animated web-series Arj and Poopy (co-creator), which has a cult online following of fans ranging from 3 to 76 years. 'urns out everybody loves a farting cat!
Wonthaggi Union Community Arts Centre
96 Graham Street, Wonthaggi VIC 3995
Wonthaggi Union Community Arts Centre
03 5671 2470