Basava Jayanthi 2023
Basava Samithi of Australasia Brisbane Branch Inc, celebrates the birth anniversary of Guru Basava, a renowned 12th century social reformer and saint-poet from South India. His short poems (called as Vachana-s) are championing the values of inclusivity, humility, intellectual honesty, and equality. Any person following the message of Vachana-s will find it very easy to realise true devotion (called as Sharana-bhaava), ability to provide selfless service (called as Dasoha), and demonstrate sincere and hard work (called as Kayaka) in one's own life leading to happiness, health and harmony in the society, at large.This year's Chief Guest at Basava Jayanthi celebrations is Hon.Cr.Whitmee who is honoured to be representing the people of Wynnum Manly after living and raising her family in the area.
Cr Whitmee believes that the value of a community is in its members.
Wynnum Municipal Hall
219 Bay Terrace, Wynnum Queensland 4178