Peace with Earth - Pathways and Possibilities

Autumn Afternoons at Terroux: Peace with Earth – Pathways and Possibilities 13 May 2.30 – 4.30
A fundraiser for the Women’s Climate Congress is to be held at 88 Rochford Road. The chorus of women will be opening and closing the afternoon, with a Panel discussion with Dr Janet Salisbury, Dr Robert Glasser and Hilary Waudhaugh. There will be a delicious afternoon tea served.
About the Women’s Climate Congress: The Women’s Climate Congress is a network of women from all walks of life and political views who have come together because we cannot stay silent while the unfolding climate emergency threatens the future of our children and all life on Earth. We work with open minds to inspire mediation and collaboration across political parties to overcome current roadblocks to a just and sustainable future.
About A Chorus of Women: For 20 years, A Chorus of Women has been singing up public wisdom, in Canberra and beyond, with original songs, major productions and civic conversations. The Chorus gives voice to concerns of citizens, including peace, social justice and climate change, weaving integrity, compassion and respect for the Earth into Australian democracy.
Hilary Waudhaugh, photographer and founder and creator of #everydayclimatecrisis Visual Petition
Dr Robert Glasser has over 30 years of experience as a practitioner, advocate and policymaker in the areas of climate change, sustainable development and disaster response.
Dr Janet Salisbury is the Founder of the Women’s Climate Congress. She has a background in medical research but in the early 1990s made a career change into science writing and communications. Through this work, she developed a strong interest in dialogue around contentious public policy issues. For the past 13 years, Janet has extended that interest, as well as the role of the arts in public discourse through her membership of A Chorus of Women.
Terroux peace Garden