Emerging Dreams - Workshop for Women
We are excited to invite you to the 'Emerging Dreams' Workshop. The name for this workshop came a few months ago in prayer.The word "emerge" means to "move out and become visible." For many, the last few years have been the opposite. But a new season is here and now is the time to "move out and become visible" with our dreams to impact the world for Jesus. There are new dreams and kingdom assignments He has for us.
Is this workshop for you?
* Do you feel unsure of the dreams God has given you?
* Are you uncertain of your calling?
* Do you know that God has more for you but not sure what it is?
This workshop will unlock your dreams and calling, giving fresh revelation in a prophetic atmosphere of hope and promise.
We can't wait to see you there!
“I am doing a new thing; now it Springs forth. I am making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:10)
*Cost includes Workbook - BYO Lunch
St. Paul's Church
530 Dandenong Road, Caulfield North Victoria 3161