Have you ever wondered whether you can be cryogenically frozen or buried at sea in Australia?Kimberley Martin, WCEI member, an internationally recognised lawyer, business owner, mother and whatever else the world requires of her, will answer these questions and more over canapes and wine.
Incapacity and death (and estate planning) is something that many of us avoid thinking about. Statistics show that over 60% of Australians do not have a Will, let alone a proper estate plan. For business owners, estate planning is incredibly important. Without a proper estate plan, the value of a business can be lost, and an incredible amount of money can be wasted. Kimberley will discuss her many years of experience and provide tips on business succession planning, estate planning, digital estates, and family relationships. For those who already have a plan in place, a review is always encouraged.
Athenaeum Club
29 Davey Street, Hobart TAS 7000