Expressionist Abstract Painting Workshop with Peter Griffen (CANCELLED)

A Line Takes a Walk, Expressionist Abstract Painting in Acrylic with Peter Griffen
Employing a combination of techniques, the paintings are started. Colour is applied, take a line for a walk, pour on paint, splash, scrape, drip and collage. The surface is agitated relying on emotion and instinct at first.
Many paintings are worked on at the same time moving from one to another as the feelings change and ideas develop. We are always looking for surprising images by sometimes entering chaos and always experiencing challenges.
The use of rich colour interactions will be encouraged, glazing suggested, various surface textures investigated, soft tone paintings and alternately vivid expressionistic imagery will be possible.
Demonstrations will be made as needed and individual help given. Each participant will find their own way of working producing images that are of their own particular invention.
COST: $140
Lunch, tea, coffee and fruit included
Participants are requested to bring their own supplies, a list will be emailed to you once your booking is confirmed.
Lunch and afternoon tea, plus refreshments are included.
For more information about Peter and his upcoming exhibition please visit
The SHAC at the Old Town Hall Bowral
14 Bendooley Street, Bowral NSW 2576