130th Anniversary of 1893 Corowa Federation Conference

A Weekend of Celebrations to mark this very important event in the Australian Federation story includesPioneer Cemetery Walk 118 Federation Ave 11am visit the graves of 4 Delegates to the Conference Facilitated by Lindy Piggin & Lesley New CEMETERY WALK BOOKING NOW CLOSED
Saturday 1.30pm: Oddfellows Hall 231 Sanger Street
A Conversation with Prof Frank Bongiorno Dr Jeff Brownrigg Dr James Warden on 'How Important were the 1993 Centenary Celebrations of the Corowa Federation Conference?'
Saturday 6.30pm: Dinner @ Corowa RSL Club 30 Betterment Pde BOOKINGS NOW CLOSED FOR THE DINNER.
A Panel Discussion on the topic 'What has Federation Done for Us'
Guest Speakers: Prof Frank Bongiorno Dr Jeff Brownrigg Dr Matt Harvey Ms Jane Hayman Dr James Warden
Moderator: Mr Martin Douglas Corowa High School History Teacher
Sunday 11am Oddfellows Hall 'A Corowa Conversation' facilitated by Dr Matt Harvey on "The Indigenous Voice to Parliament"
Corowa - Various locations