Webinar recording: Recent Court Rulings on Cladding
Date recorded: 20 September 2022
This webinar is an important update for consultants who work on cladding rectification projects, or who have exposure to historical cladding claims, as well as an illustration of how the courts’ interpretation and application of the non-combustibility requirements in the National Construction Code are evolving over time.
It’s not surprising that everyone is alarmed by ACP cladding given the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 and events since then. Recent decisions however indicate that there is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution when it comes to ACPs, and regard needs to be had to product types and configurations in order to assess the danger of ACPs and their immediate removal from buildings.
In this webinar recording Matthew Smith, James Rigney and Zachary Brown, lawyers of Clyde and Co will discuss:
- recent judgments in the jurisdictions of NSW, Victoria and the UK and their findings; and
- the implications of these decisions for construction professionals.
CPD: 1 formal hour
Learning Objectives
After this webinar, you will understand:
- the factual circumstances and court findings of recent cladding decisions; and
- what you might need to consider and how you might protect yourself if you find yourself involved in a similar claim.
Units of Competency / Performance Criteria (as per the National Standard of Competency for Architects 2021)
PC 1, PC 56
Standard - $80
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