Webinar recording: Creators vs Copycats - protecting your IP
Date recorded: 14 September 2021
Copyright and moral rights are intended to protect the interests of creators from copycats. However, in practice it’s not quite that simple and copyright is in fact a highly specialised area of the law.
It is important that consultants understand who owns copyright and how to protect your work. In this not-to-be missed webinar, highly experienced intellectual property lawyer Peter Carstairs, a Senior Associate at Minter Ellison and Caroline Foley, lawyer at Minter Ellison, will guide you through:
• the fundamentals of copyright and moral rights including ownership, assignment and licensing;
• what protections you may have against the copycats (including recent case law); and
• what to look out for in your consultancy agreements, particularly from an intellectual property perspective.
Learning Objectives
Following completion of this webinar, you will have an improved understanding of the fundamentals of copyright and moral rights, what protections you may have and what to look out for in your consultancy agreements from an intellectual property perspective.
Units of Competency / Performance Criteria (as per the National Standard of Competency for Architects 2021)
PC 15
Standard - $80
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