Simple financial record keeping for Creatives
Are you in the creative industry and the idea of keeping your accounts sends you crazy? Whether you are creating as a hobby or as a business, you need to keep track of your income and expenses. How do you do this?
Melissa Gijsbers, an author who works as a bookkeeper as part of her day job, will walk you through the basics of keeping track of your income and expenses.
The workshop will look at invoicing, recording cash sales, keeping track of expenses, how to keep everything in order, and go through the meaning of things like ABN, profit and loss reports, and more.
Get everything set up so you will have everything reading for tax time.
Upcoming sessions: Bookings are now available here
Note: Each session contains the same information. In order for the session to be recorded, we must have minimum numbers to run the session.
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser
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