Handel - Esther 1720 version HWV50a

Our August concert will carry you away to the ancient court of King Xerxes of Persia, in Handel’s magnificent first
ever oratorio Esther. Follow the story of Esther, a Jewish orphan who wins the affection of the King and becomes
the Queen of Persia, unmasking the treachery of Prime Minister Haman to save the Jewish people from a horrible
This landmark work was so successful, it marked the birth of the English oratorio and includes beautiful
dramatic and lyrical movements, ending with a grandiose final chorus only Handel could have written.
ever oratorio Esther. Follow the story of Esther, a Jewish orphan who wins the affection of the King and becomes
the Queen of Persia, unmasking the treachery of Prime Minister Haman to save the Jewish people from a horrible
This landmark work was so successful, it marked the birth of the English oratorio and includes beautiful
dramatic and lyrical movements, ending with a grandiose final chorus only Handel could have written.
Great Hall, University of Sydney
Science Road, University of Sydney NSW 2006
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