Nathan Wallis: Brisbane Tour 2023 Wednesday, 30 August 2023
Host of the documentary “All in the Mind”, and co-host of the TV Series “The Secret life ofGirls”, Nathan Wallis, Aotearoa’s renowned neuroscience educator, has been captivating
audiences over 250 times per year to sell out events in New Zealand, Australia, & China.
With a profound reputation as a lively and engaging speaker, Nathan uses humour and plain
language to condense twenty-five years of neuroscience research into his unique ‘tell you how
it is’ style. You’ll be absolutely captivated and walk away jam-packed with more than a few “ahha”
Nathan’s talks will be of interest to anyone who is committed to understanding the workings
of their own brain and improving the quality of their lives, regardless of whether they have
children or not. Nathan has broken things down into a full-day presentation:
1. The Developing Brain – The Big Picture: Summary of talk
2. Understand Your Brain – The First 1000 Days
3. Engage Your Brain - 2-7-Years
4. Change Your Brain! Chan
Victoria Park Events Centre
309 Herston Road, Herston Queensland 4006