NDAN Presents - Janine Marriott, Cemeteries as Living Spaces
Janine Marriott is the Public Engagement Manager at Arnos Vale Cemetery, UK and part time Doctoral student at the University of Hertfordshire. Her research interests include public engagement, public history, dark tourism, and historic cemeteries as heritage spaces.Janine will share with us her work both on and in cemeteries - creating community engagement and spaces for the living and the dead.
Arnos Vale is a unique cemetery and beloved Bristol landmark. Established at the start of Queen Victoria’s reign, its architects created a scenic garden for gentle recreation and respectful remembrance of those who had passed. Following this tradition, Arnos Vale has been re-established as a serene final resting place, a beautiful natural landscape. Arnos Vale Cemetery is a charity run national heritage site, located in the heart of Bristol and set within 45 acres of stunning green woodland ecosystem.
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