Webinar recording: Contracts In-depth
Date recorded: 30 April 2020
Consultancy agreements are like computers in that they’re often assembled from a standard range of components which can look almost identical to the lay observer. And yet, as with computers, small discrepancies can have a big impact on performance. If it comes to a dispute, critical contract details can determine whether the outcome will be favourable.
In our next webinar for 2020, Wendy Poulton, Principal of our new related company informed Lawyers, will examine some of the key legal provisions in consultancy agreements and Natalie Sullivan , informed by Planned Cover will analyse some common professional indemnity insurance-risk clauses. Our presenters will focus on the sort of provisions often found in client-drafted contracts on commercial and government projects. Covering topics like delays and extensions of time, set-off clauses, variations, termination rights, indemnity clauses and performance standards, this presentation will demonstrate how clauses that look similar at first glance can in fact impose very different obligations, and provide examples of both protective and problematic phrasing to look out for.
Learning Objectives
Following completion of this webinar, you will have an improved understanding of some of the key commercial and insurance risks often found in client drafted consultancy agreements and be better placed to identify and assess these types of clauses in the agreements you are being asked to sign.
Units of Competency / Performance Criteria (as per the National Standard of Competency for Architects 2021)
PC 2, PC 5, PC 9
Standard - $80
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