Cairns Bluewater Game Fishing Club Heavy Tackle 1 day Shootout 2023

Saturday 21st October 2023
Start Fishing 8:30am
Cease Fishing 5.30pm
Come and join in the fun of fishing this 1 day Marlin Tag & Release Shootout that is open to all members of clubs affiliated with GFAA/QGFA
1 point per Marlin Tagged irrespective of whether 24, 37 or 60kg line used.
No fish will be weighed and the shootout will follow GFAA Tournament Fishing and Tag & Release rules with Equipment regulations also applying.
1 winner only in each Gold and Silver levels who will take the collective pool of that levels fees less 20% admin fee.
Boats are ONLY permitted to enter in 1 category - if both are entered a refund of lower level will occur.
If no marlin are tagged in either or both levels, the Committee may choose to retain all fees or do otherwise.
Fishing Zone
Ribbons to Jenny Louise Shoals - Outer Reef Only - all tagged fish will need to be reported and where out of radio range relayed down the reef to Tournament Base with equivilant Tag card to match.
Contact Details
Miranda Wilson on Ph 0427330569
Committee will also be Tournament Base on Saturday 21st October 2023
Please see Rule, Regulations and Application form for more details