Art makes us think in a language all its own. How do we translate it into words, to share the experience with others? This session explores the devices – description, perspective, imagery – of ekphrasis, writing that arises from art. Participants are invited to wander the collections of the National Gallery and seek inspiration for a short piece of writing in a genre of their choice – poetry, essay, memoir, short fiction – to share in a final workshop with award-winning poet and essayist Theodore Ell.
Art makes us think in a language all its own. How do we translate it into words, to share the experience with others? This session explores the devices – description, perspective, imagery – of ekphrasis, writing that arises from art. Participants are invited to wander the collections of the National Gallery and seek inspiration for a short piece of writing in a genre of their choice – poetry, essay, memoir, short fiction – to share in a final workshop with award-winning poet and essayist Theodore Ell.
Tim Fairfax Learning Studio, National Gallery of Australia
National Gallery of Australia, Parkes Place East, Parkes ACT 2600
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