This is the perceptively funny story of one woman’s quest to be an ideal 1950s housewife. Judy and Johnny are a little different and they love it. They’re 1950s enthusiasts who have taken role-playing to a new level. Johnny’s swapped meal prep and laundry for foot rubs and cocktail hour. Judy’s swapped a career and jeans for darning, dusting and full skirts.
In a house complete with perfect pastel bathroom, mid-century knickknacks and good old-fashioned home cooking, the couple live out their ultimate, nostalgic fantasy. But the 21st Century has a nasty habit of forcing its way into their pristine bubble. Whether it's in the form of Johnny’s new boss, the contemporary cost of living on a ‘50s budget, or Judy’s critical mother (who lived through the ‘50s), the present insists on being dealt with.
Directed by Jude Hines
Ten-performance season at The Arts Theatre, 53 Angas Street, Adelaide. 16th-26th August, including three matinees.
In a house complete with perfect pastel bathroom, mid-century knickknacks and good old-fashioned home cooking, the couple live out their ultimate, nostalgic fantasy. But the 21st Century has a nasty habit of forcing its way into their pristine bubble. Whether it's in the form of Johnny’s new boss, the contemporary cost of living on a ‘50s budget, or Judy’s critical mother (who lived through the ‘50s), the present insists on being dealt with.
Directed by Jude Hines
Ten-performance season at The Arts Theatre, 53 Angas Street, Adelaide. 16th-26th August, including three matinees.
ARTS Theatre
53 Angas Street, Adelaide South Australia 5000
Contact Details
Membership inquiries Mon to Fri, 10 am to 5 pm (Amanda): 8278 1818
Bookings and ticketing inquiries Mon to Fri, 10 am to 5 pm (Lorraine): 8271 8487