Open Gardens Victoria - Wanawong 2023

Wanawong is a spectacular hillside garden setting that is flanked by fields and bushland dropping steeply away to the east.
Its a well-designed garden that sits beautifully in the surrounding bush landscape. Janet laid out the garden in 1975 and still passionately gardens here. It’s a diverse garden of flowering shrubs and trees amid stately tree ferns and eucalypts.
Email any enquiries before 4pm Friday 27th of October.
Its a well-designed garden that sits beautifully in the surrounding bush landscape. Janet laid out the garden in 1975 and still passionately gardens here. It’s a diverse garden of flowering shrubs and trees amid stately tree ferns and eucalypts.
Email any enquiries before 4pm Friday 27th of October.
Open Gardens Victoria - Wanawong
950 Colac-Lavers Hill Road, Barongarook West Vic 3249
Contact Details