Dance for Life 🌀🧬✨ New Moon in Cancer Practice ♋🌚
We will use dance as a creative and healing practice, to recover the vital energy and self-esteem necessary to feel connected with the nature that we are and that surrounds us.We will move gently considering the motor capacities of each participant and we will witness our body in movement, breathing to align the mental self-image with the physical reality in order to bring into the space our consciousness, feelings, creative worlds, acceptance and pleasure.
Our body is our home, our temple. In this practice we will honour this sacred space with the power of the new moon in Cancer. As we all know the new moons present the opportunity to connect with the depth of being and to sow the intentions necessary for our personal and collective development.
Let us Dance for Life and connect with our humility, beauty and love.
Dance for Life 🧬/ New Moon in Cancer Practice🌚♋
9 Lone Pine Ave, Hepburn Springs Vic 3461