Queensberry Cup Billycart Challenge
More than just a race, the Queensberry Cup is a street festival and a celebration of the diverse communities of North Melbourne and West Melbourne.
The festival reflects, celebrates and supports the local residents, businesses, students and workers of our dynamic inner city suburbs. For one day, the main street is closed and turned over to a range of creative and cultural activities.
Now in its second year, the Billycart Challenge is the centrepiece of the event. Over a number of weeks, community groups and individuals will build their vehicle for the race of the century down Errol St. (from Queensberry to Byron). Prizes will be awarded for the fastest in various age categories, and the most creative.
Big prizes on offer including $500 to spend at local North Melbourne shops.
PLUS: Lots of sessions leading up to the big day where you can get expert guidance on designing and building your vehicle, as well as access to materials and tools.
Download full terms and conditions
Plus Maker Sessions in the lead up as described.
Errol St. North Melbourne
Corner Errol St. and Queensberry St., North Melbourne VIC 3051