Nannup 2323
Nannup 2323 - Alan Hancock with music by John RichA mix of story-telling, comedy, audience interaction, and music Nannup 2323 imagines our town 300 years hence. Visions, dreams, nightmares, whacky predictions, a word from the Crazed Clairvoyant, the Mad Optimist and the Terrible Realist, a visit from the Preppers, Mad Max, and the Grim Reaper
Comical, thought-provoking, and sometimes downright bonkers, Nannup 2323 is a 50 minute trip into the future. It looks at what’s happening in this you-beaut place right now, and projects it all into an unimaginable future. Except Nannup 2323 dares to imagine.
Saturday 7th October, 4 pm and 7 pm: $15 and $10 conc.
Bookings and queries – 0413 390 60
Nannup Town Hall
Warren Road, Warren Road, Nannup WA 6275