STEM JumpStart Career Leadership Program - Karratha

Calling all passionate young regional women – we'll help propel you into a new venture or enhance your career & beyond. STEM reaches across industries & many applications.
Bring your smarts and an open mind to our 2 day Boot Camp & we’ll guide you through all the foundational skills & capacity building you’ll need to succeed.
You'll be matched with a supportive Mentor & join with like minded young women. STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths.
Cost: $55 per person inc GST
PLEASE NOTE: This is an 18+ yrs event
Bring your smarts and an open mind to our 2 day Boot Camp & we’ll guide you through all the foundational skills & capacity building you’ll need to succeed.
You'll be matched with a supportive Mentor & join with like minded young women. STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths.
Cost: $55 per person inc GST
PLEASE NOTE: This is an 18+ yrs event
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