「だれひとり とりのこさない世界に」‘Leave No One Behind’

At Huntingdale Primary School, our students present a Japanese Production every two years as part of the Visual and Performing Arts program.The theme of this year’s play is 「だれひとり とりのこさない世界に」‘Leave No One Behind’.
The grade 5 and 6 students have been engaged in learning about SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) this year, and they co-created a play that exemplifies what it means to be a global citizen, who takes an active role in their community and work with others to make our planet a more peaceful, sustainable and fairer place for all.
We are confident that it will be an amazing opportunity for them to showcase their creativity, enthusiasm, and growth as a global citizen.
Christine Strachan Theatre
South Oakleigh College, Bakers Rd, Oakleigh South VIC 3167