Simple ways to grow the profitability of your business - Business Workshop
Workshop Information:
How well do you really know your business? Likes, dislikes, long walks on the beach? For real though, if you’re looking to delve into, and develop a greater understanding of your business and how to take things to the next level to improve profitability then this workshop is for you. Aly will work through:
1. The Why and it’s importance
2. What you need to know about your business to truly understand how it works
3. The secrets to improving profit in your business
This will be an interactive workshop that is outcome driven so you can walk away with actions to implement into your business to improve profit now.
*Ticket Price: $10 + booking fee (includes complimentary coffee)
Presenter Bio:
Aly is a multi-award winning fellow chartered accountant, tax agent, speaker and podcast host (check out Aly & Andrew’s All Aussie Accounting Adventures podcast)In October 2018 she setup her own accounting firm based in Adelaide, All In Advisory, which won Boutique Firm and Start Up of the Year at Accountants Daily and are Xero Cloud Champions of the Year.
She’s worked with businesses big and small, as well as family run companies, developing and honing, and perfecting her (mad), accounting, taxation and advisory skills for 30 years. Aly is all about supporting small businesses to reach their full potential, build value and wealth, and see success for generations to come.
The biggest barrier for small businesses? Being bogged down by the back end! Reports, payroll, systems appropria…. **yawn**
You get it. So does Aly. And she’s here to help.
All in Advisory Boardroom
68 North Terrace, Kent Town SA 5067