Yes to The Voice

The Greek Community of Melbourne presents
Yes To The Voice
In late 2023, Australians will have their say in a referendum about whether to change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
On Monday 28 August, The Greek Community of Melbourne will host Labor MP Sheena Watt to speak on the importance of The Voice to Parliament, how it will work and why voting 'yes' is integral to progressing Australia's propensity for reconciliation.
About Sheena Watt
Sheena Watt is the first Aboriginal woman to serve as a Labor Member of Victoria’s Legislative Council. Having worked across various Aboriginal health organisations and as a Constitutional Change campaign manager for the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, she has extensive experience in Indigenous Affairs. She has also served as an Executive Manager at AFL SportsReady and on the Board of Directors for some of the most important community organisations in Victoria. Sheena advocates tirelessly to break cycles of disadvantage, promote equality, and foster healthy, connected communities, drawing from her personal journey.
About the GCM's position on the Voice
The Greek Community of Melbourne unequivocally supports constitutional recognition of the First Peoples of Australia.
As an organisation that represents migrants and the children of migrants, we have worked hard to advocate for the right to practise our language and culture as citizens of this country. We respect the rights of Indigenous people to do the same and acknowledge that constitutional change is required to enshrine their position as the First Peoples of Australia in the Australian Constitution through a Voice. We acknowledge their ancient culture which is part of the history of this land, and we believe the constitution must recognise their continued presence in this country over 65,000 years, a country that we, our parents and grandparents adopted as our homeland.
Mezzanine Level, The Greek Centre
168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000