Amahl and the Night Visitors by Cameo Community Opera

Cameo Community Opera Project is staging the Menotti opera Amahl and the Night Visitors across four special performances in Melbourne and Geelong during November and December 2023.This is a delightful Christmas Opera with a touch of fantasy!
The opera tells the story of Amahl a little disabled boy and his widowed mother who find themselves hosting the Three Kings as they travel on their journey following the Christmas star.
There is a lovely chorus section when all the shepherds are invited in to see the kings by the mother. When everyone has settled down for the night the mother decides to steal some of the gold from the kings. Of course, the kings are awakened by the commotion and a scuffle breaks out between Amahl, the kings and the mother.
During this course of events a miracle happens and the little boy is cured. He can now walk, so the three kings decide to take him off to visit the holy child with them. The Opera ends with a lovely final chorus about peace.
St Luke's Uniting Church
174 Barabool Rd, Highton Victoria 3216