A social revolution to address our ageing futures

In this lecture, Professor Loretta Baldassar, Director of the ECU Social Ageing (SAGE) Futures Lab, will discuss the revolution needed to re-imagine our relationship to ageing.
Professor Baldassar argues that understanding the relationship between migration, ageing and care is critical to improving our ageing futures.
Globally, people are living longer and spending more time in older age than ever before. Australia’s ageing population is among the most diverse in the world, with 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 born overseas. Also, older migrants access care services later and in poorer health than the general population. At the same time, a significant – and growing – proportion of our aged care workforce are migrants.
Population trends demand we change the way we think about, and prepare for, growing older.
It’s time for a social ageing revolution.
This event is open to the public. Registrations are essential. DATE AND TIME
Thursday, 12 October 2023
3.45pm (for 4.00pm start).
The venue is fitted with an infrared or t-switch hearing loop system, and is wheelchair accessible. If you have any accessibility needs to participate in the event, please contact ECU's Corporate Events team by email (corporate.events@ecu.edu.au) or phone: (08) 6304 2011.
Edith Cowan University, Mount Lawley Campus
Building 17, Lecture Theatre 17.157, 2 Bradford Street, Mount Lawley WA 6050
Contact Details