Yoga Nidra and Bansuri Sound Healing
Join World Class 3rd Generation Bansuri Flute player, Vinod Prasanna and long-time yoga practitioner Wendy Van Dort for an intimate afternoon of deep rest and divine sound.The afternoon will begin with a guided Yoga Nidra journey, a wakeful sleep state that takes you beyond the mental blockages and limitations of the mind. Woven into this meditation, are the timeless sounds of the Bansuri flute, Tibetan and quartz crystal singing bowls. The vibrational sounds of these instruments help you to stay in this state of timeless oneness, omnipresence, deep rest and peace, also known as Turiya, where inner transformation and healing can happen.
We would then love you to stay for light refreshments and tea. This allows time for you to integrate your experience and perhaps share with others or simply enjoy the quiet surrounds.
The Revillaging Project
182 Browns Rd, Boneo Vic 3939