Something to Make You Laugh
The Italian Social Club and the Korumburra Lions Club are proud to present the wonderful Leongatha Lyric Theatre who have put together a show that will leave you in the aisle with laughter with two and a half hours of hilarious entertainment. This is a must see as there is nothing better than a good laugh. The show is for adults only and is of tremendous value. You only have to bring along some nibbles and drinks are available at the bar.Be prepared to laugh aloud and come and join us for a wonderful night's entertainment. The seating is at tables of eight, so get a group together and enjoy this night with friends and family. Tickets are limited so bookings are essential to ensure that you get to see the feature event in Korumburra this year. Book now!
The proceeds of the evening will go towards community projects supported by the Italian and Lions Clubs.
Korumburra Italian Social Club
38 Bridge Street, Korumburra Victoria 3950