Online sales close at 3:00pm on the day of screening. Door sales ( if seats remain available) commence in the foyer 60 mins prior to film time.
Unseen Cinema - THE CRIME IS MINE - (MA) France 102min

Francois Ozon entertains himself, and us in this joyous comedy with the air of vaudeville that flows like a spring from the hand of its cast and a plot with all the possible ingredients: murders, evictions, lovers, failed actresses, trials, sorority and a dash of Me Too.
Nadia Tereskiewicz and Rebecca Marder are incredibly fresh, elegant, and extraordinary as protagonists in this smart and intelligent film about show business in the 30’s in París.
Isabel Huppert leads several generations of France’s finest thespians clearly enjoying themselves in this stylish tale of how notoriety — even for presumed murder — need not be the slightest impediment to social and professional rewards.
In French - English subtitles (MA) 102min
Nadia Tereskiewicz and Rebecca Marder are incredibly fresh, elegant, and extraordinary as protagonists in this smart and intelligent film about show business in the 30’s in París.
Isabel Huppert leads several generations of France’s finest thespians clearly enjoying themselves in this stylish tale of how notoriety — even for presumed murder — need not be the slightest impediment to social and professional rewards.
In French - English subtitles (MA) 102min
Event Cinemas Cairns Central
Cairns Central Shopping Centre, Cairns Queensland 4870
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