Nataniel and Karen Zoid Sold Out (Sydney)

Nataniƫl launched his solo career more than three decades ago with the release of his first single. Since then he has released 19 albums, staged more than 80 original theatre productions and published 21 books. He has not only established himself as singer, songwriter, producer, director, designer and public speaker.Karen Zoid is a South African rock singer, songwriter, guitarist, composer and talk show host. Her work in both English and Afrikaans has gathered critical acclaim, and she has been dubbed South Africa's "Queen of Rock"
Twee van die legendes in Afrikaans in een optrede in Sydney. Maak seker jy is daar vir hierdie onvergeetlike aand. Kaartjies is vanaf $90 vir volwassenes en $60 vir kinders. Deure open 4:30PM en optrede begin 5:00PM
Tickets are from $90 for adults (over 18) and $60 for the younger ones (18 years and less)
Moontlik gemaak deur die ondersteuning van Afriforum
Hornsby RSL Club Updated
4 High Street, Hornsby NSW 2077