Exhibition opening - Bayside Local/Billilla artist studios

You are invited to the exhibition opening Bayside Local and Refuge, workshop, stage, site: Billilla artist studios 2022-23
Now in its sixth year, Bayside Local is a much-anticipated annual exhibition that celebrates the high calibre of work produced by artists who live and work in the Bayside area.
Bayside Local presents an eclectic and energising array of works that range from traditional landscape painting to intriguing textile pieces, photographic images and experimental ceramic forms.
Artists: Elly Abrat-Udvary, Graeme Altmann, Fiona Austin, Drasko Boljevic, Penny Chadwick, Marion Chapman, Guillaume Dillee, Magdalena Dmowska, Ilan El, Antoinette Ferwerda, Karen Hopkins, Masa Hoss, Nicole Kemp, Tricia Dijkers Kidd, Ilona Kiss, Anne-Marie Kuter, Meredith Marshallsea, Eddie Moses, Gina Pontelandolfo, Cielo Quintero, Jan Rizzo, Toni Roberts, Josephine Rowbury, Setken, Jacquelyn Stephens, John Street and Donna Wynnemer, Jill Symes, Debbie Symons, Jo Taylor, Carmel Wallace, Neil Wallace, David White, Pam Wragg
Refuge, workshop, stage, site: Billilla artist studios 2022-23 includes a selection of works by artists who were the recipients of a 12-month studio at Brighton’s historic mansion Billilla in 2022 and 2023. Featuring the work of Yvette Coppersmith, Sarah crowEST, Carolyn Cardinet, Noni Drew, Marie Honore, Sean McDowell and Steffie Wallace. The event includes a performance by Billilla studio artist William Vyvyan Murray, an internationally renowned musician and composer with a varied practice. Murray will perform a program of classical pieces as well as original contemporary compositions on the viola.
Bayside Gallery
Brighton Town Hall, Corner Wilson and Carpenter Streets, Brighton, Victoria 3186
Contact Details
Image credit: Drasko Bolejvic, Blind Man's Buff 2021, inkjet giclée print, 68 x 83 cm. Courtesy the artist