Digital Health for the Bush (DH4B) Forum 2023

This year's DH4B Forum will be held at the Savanna Room, Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University, Darwin for those attending in person. However, most people will attend via Zoom and a link is available through the registration page. Simbani Researchers will provide a summary of key findings from the CRCNA Telehealth Projects and there will be a panel session addressing this year’s theme "Can health funding be re-distributed to more effectively service regional and remote areas? Other topics included are "Tales of the Long Covid" - an update on research and "Can the MBS wild west get any worse?" For those attending in person, there will be a networking session after the forum. There is no charge for this event. Please register for attending in person, or, via Zoom.Savanna Room, Yellow Building 1, Level 2, Room 48, Northern Institute
Casuarina Campus, Charles Darwin University, Casuarina NT 0909