Integrating Buddhist Wisdom in Dermatology
WHAT: Healing Beyond the Skin: Integrating Buddhist Wisdom in Dermatology and primary health careThis month’s educational event is for fellow Buddhism informed therapists who are eager to explore the intersection of spirituality and healthcare.
The widespread application and demonstrated success of modern “mindfulness” in health care in the west goes back more than nearly 45 years to the pioneering work of physician Jon Kabat Zinn. His approach, “Full Catastrophe Living” cleverly digested many Buddhist principles, without direct reference to either Buddhism or the Dharma, applied Buddhism’s life enhancing and healing power to help people living with a wide range of seriously debilitating medical conditions.
AABCAP is very pleased to host Dr. Claire Noonan, Dermatological GP (and Buddhist informed psychotherapist) as she invites you to go deeper to explore this profound connection between Buddhist philosophy and promoting the healing of the largest organs of the body, the skin!
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser