The Tin Woman (SOLD OUT)
Written by Sean Grennan
Directed by Scott Brawley
Based on a true story, this comedic drama follows the struggles of Joy, a heart transplant recipient, as well as the struggles of the family of the donor. Instead of relishing life, Joy enters a downward spiral, unsure whether she truly deserves a second chance. At a friend's urging, Joy tracks down the donor’s family to find closure. Grennan uses humour and pathos to explore loss, family, and what it means to be given new life in this beautiful play.
Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded after purchase.
Directed by Scott Brawley
Based on a true story, this comedic drama follows the struggles of Joy, a heart transplant recipient, as well as the struggles of the family of the donor. Instead of relishing life, Joy enters a downward spiral, unsure whether she truly deserves a second chance. At a friend's urging, Joy tracks down the donor’s family to find closure. Grennan uses humour and pathos to explore loss, family, and what it means to be given new life in this beautiful play.
Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded after purchase.
Arts Theatre Cronulla
6 Surf Road, Cronulla NSW 2230