Dr Bruce Chen : Acts, Decisions & Internal Limits
In this webinar, Dr Bruce Chen reflects on how jurisprudence on the conduct obligations has developed under the Australian Capital Territory, Victorian and Queensland bills of rights. Bruce considers significant recent cases, including Owen-D’Arcy v Chief Executive, Queensland Corrective Services (2021) 9 QR 250, Thompson v Minogue (2021) 67 VR 301, Davidson v Director-General, Justice and Community Safety Directorate (2022) 18 ACTLR 1, and the COVID-19 pandemic litigation. He does so having regard to the initial policy rationale of the conduct obligations, and the implications of legislative drafting choices made in their enactment. Bruce concludes with some reflections on potential conduct obligations under an Australian Human Rights Act, as recently proposed by the Australian Human Rights Commission.Presenter: Dr Bruce Chen
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