Kundalini Yoga & Meditationwith Jai Ram Kaur
Thursdays 6.30pm to 8pm
4 week course from 23rd November to 14th December
Purusha House, Fremantle
“When I call on my Infinity, I can come through anything. Then I shall never be handicapped. That is the rule of life. That is how we shall enter the Age of Aquarius.” YB
We are in the transition to the great astrological age of Aquarius, the information age. This includes globalisation, vastly increased sensitivity and, with it, when the nervous system can’t take it, overwhelm and numbness.
It is also an era which holds great possibilities for leaps in consciousness. To go through it and come through shining, we have to realise we are in fact beyond the body and the mind. Beyond time and space, moving through time and space.
Only with the vitality of this infinite self can we come through victorious.
Join me for 4 classes to call powerfully on your Infinity.
All levels welcome.
Purusha House
18 Holdsworth Street , Fremantle WA 6163