Human Systems Integration - Sector 3 Workshop (SOLD OUT)

The INCOSE Human Systems Integration (HSI) Working Group in conjunction with the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA) is pleased to present:
Human Systems Integration: Bridging Systems Engineering and Human Factors
Join us for a virtual event exploring applications of HSI and as we workshop common challenges in Systems Engineering (SE) and Human Factors (HF). The afternoon will feature two talks from our invited guest speakers who will share their experiences in applying HSI in different industry domains as well as a time of interactive workshopping.
Talk 1 from the Transport/Rail Domain.
Yvonne Hinch - Senior Manager, Human Factors in Transport Safety (Transport for NSW) |
Gavin Cavanagh - Senior Manager, Systems Engineering & (Asset) Resilience |
Talk 2 from the Aviation / Air Traffic Control Domain.
Victoria Valentinova - Senior Systems Assurance Engineer |
There will then be an interactive workshop for attendees on Sharing Perspectives from SE and HF. Facilitator: Grace Kennedy (INCOSE HSI WG Co-Chair). We're keen to explore how the INCOSE HSI WG and HFESA can together help to support this growing community.
Registrations are free but limited (a waitlist will be utilised if ticket limits exceeded).
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser