Conscious Transitions - Closing 2023

Join me for this 2 hour class to consciously close your year.Life is full of transitions and the success of our destiny lies in consciously moving through them and learning as we go. We could say that to walk through a door without consciousness of it is an opportunity at least partially missed in the journey of becoming.
With Karam Kriya numerology teachings, we will explore: what were the themes of the year collectively for us as humanity. You will be invited to reflect - what were they for you personally. What seeds have born fruit? Where do you find yourself now?
We will do some small rituals to make physical the steps of completion and readiness for the turning of the years and a new beginning and a new beginning. Meditations along the way will further support the inner journey.
The evening is an opportunity to join with others to live and breathe your life as you intuitively know that it truly is: sacred.
Purusha House
18 Holdsworth Street, Fremantle Western Australia 6160