Warren District Agricultural Show - 15th and 16th March 2024

There is plenty of entertainment alongside the usual attractions - equestrian events, animal exhibits, log chops, side show alley, trade displays, food stalls, musicians, machinery and fireworks. Enter Saturday's pavilion competitions in arts, crafts, photography, cooking to add even more excitement to a great family day out.
NOTE: Ticketing is separate for each day. Fireworks are only on Friday night. 'Farmer Field Day Friday' tickets are for those attending the 10-4pm talks so we know numbers (those tickets are also a Friday Show Ticket).
Friday - Field Day Talks, Trade, Live Music, Sideshow Alley and Fireworks.
Saturday - Animal displays, Pavilion competitions, Equestrian, Sideshow and much more.
Adults $15
Children 5 to 15 years FREE - Thanks to Talison
Infant (under 5yrs) FREE
Aged Concession $10
NOTE: Ticketing is separate for each day. Fireworks are only on Friday night. 'Farmer Field Day Friday' tickets are for those attending the 10-4pm talks so we know numbers (those tickets are also a Friday Show Ticket).
Friday - Field Day Talks, Trade, Live Music, Sideshow Alley and Fireworks.
Saturday - Animal displays, Pavilion competitions, Equestrian, Sideshow and much more.
Adults $15
Children 5 to 15 years FREE - Thanks to Talison
Infant (under 5yrs) FREE
Aged Concession $10
Rea Park
Cnr Collier and Johnson Street, MANJIMUP WA 6258
Contact Details