2024 SSEC Conference Saturday 4th May
There will be 8 speakers (local, interstate and international). At this stage, pending confirmation, our speakers will be as follows:
International Speaker: Larry Welborn (via Zoom)
Amelia Brown
Alan Cadwallader
Rosemary Canavan
Chris Forbes
Jim Harrison
Lyn Kidson
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
There are 80 seats available and we heavily encourage in person attendance. The venue is easily accessible and there is plenty of free parking available.
We trialled a new caterer last year and it went very well. We will be using them again this year.
We also offer Zoom for interstate and international members and those who would have difficulty attending in person.
There will be 8 speakers (local, interstate and international). At this stage, pending confirmation, our speakers will be as follows:
International Speaker: Larry Welborn (via Zoom)
Amelia Brown
Alan Cadwallader
Rosemary Canavan
Chris Forbes
Jim Harrison
Lyn Kidson
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
There are 80 seats available and we heavily encourage in person attendance. The venue is easily accessible and there is plenty of free parking available.
We trialled a new caterer last year and it went very well. We will be using them again this year.
We also offer Zoom for interstate and international members and those who would have difficulty attending in person.
Room 122, Level 1, Building C, Arts Precinct Conference Room
Macquarie University, 25 Wally's Walk, NORTH RYDE NSW 2113
Contact Details