OGET Session 1 - Gawler
The OGET project addresses the essential need for equitable delivery of health services in Australia. Data collected highlights a significant maldistribution of the workforce with a shortage of maternity and maternity-related services in country towns, and a need for upskilling and training opportunities in rural, regional, and remote areas.This is the first of three multi disciplinary interactive workshops that will include high fidelity simulation that will be delivered over the next 18 months. The funding for this workshop has come from the federal government through RANZCOG and thus it is free & catered.
The workshop will meet the requirements for the Maternity Safety Education session as a part of SA Health's Perinatal Emergency Education Strategy Policy.
Please email me if you have any questions.
Gawler Health Service
21 Hutchinson Rd , Gawler East SA 5118