CWA Oaklands Womens' Dinner - Guest speaker Mrs Pam Danaher

Pam is a long-term Oaklands resident. Pam served as the Personal Assistant to the General Manager of Urana Shire, followed by Federation Council. Recently Pam has worked as the Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer of Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council (pop 2,200) in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland.Lucky door prize and Raffle of Fiammetta outdoor patio heater Value $179
Tickets are $50 each. Ticket sales end Thursday 29th February at 5pm.
**Any questions? Anna Stienstra 0438 483 612 or Heather Kerr 0447 335 201
7:00pm for 7:30pm start. Organised by Oaklands Branch CWA NSW
Oaklands RSL & Bowling Club
Buller St, Oaklands NSW 2646