Exciting theatrical comedy, arriving direct from Greece. Konstantinos Kalymniou's esteemed text, expertly brought to life by the talented duo of Eleni Tsefalas and Stamatis Tzelepis, underlines the resilience of the Greek immigrants, showcasing their ability to adapt, endure, and thrive in any circumstance, wherever they may find themselves.Comprising four interconnected stories, the play delves into the complex relationship between Greek immigrants and their homeland, as well as their profound yearning to establish roots in their new surroundings.
Titled 'Hellas, mana tou kaimou', 'Akra tou tafou', 'Pro ton eisodion', and 'Opou Gis & Patris', these narratives resonate with audiences through a blend of humour and heartfelt emotion.
This production aims to illuminate the lives of uprooted Greeks worldwide, addressing the pain of separation, the challenges faced, and the moments of happiness. It serves as a historical examination, drawing parallels between past and present, and embracing the universal aspects of human existence while injecting a healthy dose of laughter.
With a runtime of 90 min, the performance unfolds seamlessly, without an intermission, providing an immersive experience enriched with well-known Greek songs.
Venue: Clayton Community Centre, 9/15 Cooke St, Clayton VIC 3168
Session 1: Friday, 8 March, Doors Open at 7:00pm for a 7:30pm start
Session 2: Saturday, 9 March, Doors Open at 7:00pm for a 7:30 pm start
Session 3: Sunday, 10 March, Doors Open at 5:00pm for a 5:30pm start
Directed by: Stamatis Tselepis
Theatrical Adaptation by: Elena Tsefala
Based on a script by: Dean Kalimniou
Cast: Stamatis Tselepis, Elena Tsefala, Antonios Baxevanidis, Jim Koutsoukos & Ada Batsaki.
Tickets: $33 Full | $29 Greek Community Members
In Greek with English captioning
Clayton Community Centre
9/15 Cooke Street, Clayton Victoria 3168